Below blog is from December 2023.
Latest acquired stamps.

Agriculture stamps with overprint. Purchased at auction for $40 each.
The left stamp is a red violet Salung overprinted 113 or 1894, perf 13.5
The right-hand stamp is also a Salung value, blue, overprinted by provisional hand-stamp 114 or 1895, perf. 13.5 Both stamps are quite rare and difficult to find.
Latest acquired stamps.

Court Fee stamps from around 1893.
Eurseree sale 65 on Dec 2023, sold for Baht 5,500 or $162
20 Baht (orange) and 2 Baht (blue) surcharged stamps with the surcharge placed very low on the stamps. Both stamps are quite rare.
The document looks very tatty and damaged, so it sold for quite a low price. Perfect to soak these stamps off.
Latest Cinderellas acquired.

Cinderella stamps purchased at auction for $10. These are 3 values out of a set of 5 stamps, showing the 1, 10 and 50 Baht.
The 5 and 100 Baht are missing.
Issued 5 Feb. 1991 to raise money for the renovation of the Phra Maha Dhat chedi in Nakhon Sri Thammarat. This city is south of Bangkok on the way to Phuket. The stamps are printed on thick paper. These stamps are listed in chapter 14 of my revenue catalog.
Review of revenue stamp lots sold in Eurseree auction 65, December 2023.

I reviewed some of the highlights of the recent, December 2023 sale 65, of Eurseree in Bangkok.
Of the 67 revenue lots listed, 48 were sold. The market for Thai revenue stamps is still strong. The picture shows the 1 Chang surcharge on Salung, Lot 18.
To see my review of the auction, click here.
Forbin, Catalogue de Timbres-Fiscaux 1915, Siam on pages 708-710.

One of the oldest revenue stamps catalogs existing, However, even nowadays after more than 100 years, the Forbin catalogue is still often referred to. Worldwide revenue stamp coverage for stamps issued before 1915. The prices in French Francs are of course outdated by now. Covered are mainly the Agriculture and the Court Fee stamps.
The listings are incomplete, and the dates of issue given are a few years after the actual issuing.
However, a very interesting historical listing. For the Siam portion of the catalog, click here.
For the complete Forbin 1915 worldwide catalog, 798 pages, click here.
For sale on eBay, Health and Education revenues.

Complete set sold November 2023 for $150, this was a lot I listed.
The Health and Education revenues were printed by Thomas De La Rue and issued in 1953. Originally planned as charity stamps, soon after issuing, laws were passed to apply them mandatory on many kinds of different documents.
The lot shown came from the Thomas De La Rue archives. The 100 Baht bottom right, red stamp is a very high value for 1953 and is very difficult to get in used.
These stamps were printed in 2 panes of 25 (5X5) stamps with a horizontal gutter in between. A maximum of 10 possible gutter pairs exists, except for the lowest value 25 Satang blue, a few more sheets of this value are known. Shown below are the 2 gutter blocks, 50 and 100 Baht from my own collection.

For sale on eBay, Rama 5 General Revenues.

Sold on eBay in November 2023 for $110,
I listed this lot on eBay.
This is a complete set of king Rama 5 General Revenues, issued in 1887.
This set remains very popular and sells quite easy on eBay. It is after the Agriculture revenues, the second set of revenue stamps issued. Printed by Waterlow of London on unwatermarked paper. The stamps are issued with gum.
Already since the Collins catalog in 1979, these stamps are listed under General Revenues. However, their use is only seen on Court documents and Land Office related documents, The same purposes as the so called Long Green stamps were used for. These stamps should be reclassified under Court Fee stamps.
For sale on eBay, Long Green 1 Att on 1 Baht surcharge.

Sold on eBay in November 2023 for $61,
this is a stamp I listed.
The Long Green stamps (nickname used in Thailand) were issues starting in 1899.
Printed by Giesecke & Devrient in Leipzich Germany. Issued with gum.
There are multiple printings done.
The Atts surcharges were done in the year 1900 because the lower values were quickly depleted.
Later around 1908, when the currency changed from Att to Satang, many of the remaining stocks of Long Green stamps were surcharged with Satang values.
(1 Baht = 100 Satang = 64 Atts)
The double bar cancelled, Atts surcharged stamps are amongst the rarest of the Long Green stamps. There are some 12 different, double bar, cancelled Atts overprinted stamps known.
Thailand revenue stamps from the Thomas De La Rue archives.

The first known Thailand revenue stamps printed by Thomas De La Rue are the entertainment revenues shown in the picture. Printed in 1949, using letter press, the set of 6 stamps were issued with gum.
Sometimes collectors get lucky when some printing company decides to sell of its old archives of stamps. In the year 2000, David Thomas in the USA managed to buy at auction, the Thailand revenue section of the De La Rue archives. Inside this large lot were full sheets and partial sheets of many different revenue stamps. Some sheets showed Specimen printed on each stamp, some sheets had Specimen by perfins, and other sheets were file copies. These file copies looked like sheets as issued, but with no sheet numbers printed in the top margin. There were sheets with no printer's name, sheets with Thomas De La Rue imprint and also sheets with Bradburi Wilkinson imprints.

Nonalcoholic beverage stamp with Specimen print. Volume of 440 cc.
The mystery why there were Bradburi Wilkinson stamps in the archives is easy to solve using the internet. In 1986, De La Rue acquired Bradburi Wilkinson and at least part of the Bradburi archives seemed to be merged with the De La Rue archives. De La Rue seemed strong in printing the entertainment and General revenues, while Bradburi did print many of the drink and Tobacco revenue stamps.
The stamps in the archives were not always complete sets, some known issued values were missing. Also, some sheets were complete while other sheets were partly broken up.
By studying the archives, it was learned that De La Rue archive department issued blocks of stamps to various departments like production and QA to serve as samples for design and color when a reprint order came in. The most heavily broken up sheets, most of the times representing the lower values which had the most reprint runs.
The Bradburi Wilkinson Beverage revenues, alcoholic and non-alcoholic are a gift to collectors. Many new stamps were discovered because so many of these stamps did not survived the times.
Collector: Jos Sanders.

Jos Sanders is the owner, and also the editor of this website. Born in the Netherlands, and after living in Asia for many years, I retired and am now living in Bangkok.
I started collecting the postage stamps of Netherlands and colonies when I was around 7 years old, following in the footsteps of my father and my older brothers. Following my first job in Thailand in 1983, I started collecting Thailand postage stamps, buying stamps at auctions in Europe. Around 1989, in one of the purchased collections, I found some 10 Agriculture tax stamps. Since my father did teach me many years ago that revenue stamps did not belong in a stamp collection, I went to Siam Stamp Tading Company in the previous World Trade Center to try to sell them to the owner Sakserm Siriwong (the same person who issued for many years Thailand postage stamp catalogs). Sakserm did not want my 10 Agriculture revenue stamps, because hardly anybody collected that kind of stamp stuff.
I thought it was interesting to start collecting stamps nobody wanted, so my passion for collecting Thai revenue stamps was born. However, it was also difficult at that time to buy Thai revenue stamps with only 2 dealers, Anant and Kitti having any decent quantity in stock.
The break thru in collecting for me came around 1998 when eBay started to take off and suddenly, I was able to find stamps from sellers worldwide. Since the year 2005, I am a seller of Thailand revenues on eBay selling under jossanders52 and lately under jossanders51.
I started this website to try to preserve the knowledge on stamps I have gained, and I hope to make a younger generation enthusiastic to continue this collecting field.
This website will show my 2023 Thailand revenue stamp catalog (will be updated over time from the 2019 edition to the 2023 edition), my own collection (will be posted completely over time) and a Blog which I will continue to update with new information and news.
Jos Sanders 5 frame (80 pages) exhibit prepared for the Bangkok 2013 international Stamp Exhibition.

I did exhibit during the early 2000's with the last exhibit at the World Stamp Championship in Singapore, year 2004.
I did win a vermeil award with my exhibit called Thailand Revenue Stamps Post World War II.
In hindsight, I learned that exhibiting "modern" revenue stamps would never result in getting a large gold medal.
In 2013, I prepared a new updated exhibit,
with the same title. However, it never entered the exhibition due to my other business commitments.
You can view my exhibit by clicking HERE.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps, Thailand Agriculture Revenues Part 6.
Thailand 1894-1897 Agriculture Stamps used on Court documents.
By Jos Sanders.

Article written by Jos Sanders in the Thai Times of April 2022.
The Thai Times is the journal of the Thailand Philatelic Society based in the UK.
To read the full article, click here.
Thai language articles posted on this website.

Thai language articles posted under the tab References on my Blog page.
In order to support my Thai followers, I have decided to start posting Thai language articles. Some items in those articles are quite outdated, but they still offer a good perpective on the subject.
This time I will post 3 articles written by Wichakorn Shawanasak.
Some, but not all of these articles will have an English translation added.
For viewing these first 3 articles written in Thai, click below.
Ref. 4, Wichakon Shawanasak, Rice Field Revenue Stamps, CAT magazine 2002.
Ref. 23, Wichakorn Shawanasak, King Rama-V Rychakon Collection, CAT magazine 2001.
Ref. 25, Wichakorn Shawanasak, First Set of General Revenue Stamps, CAT magazine 2002
Below is the part of the blog posted on November 12, 2023.
Latest acquired stamps.

USA Foreign Service Fee Tax stamp of $2.50 on piece, dated March 12, 1930. Purchased on eBay for $6.50 in November 2023. Used by the American Consulate General, Bangkok Siam.
Although these stamps are not issued by Thailand, they are collected as foreign revenues used at various embassies in Thailand. This is the first time in 30 years that I am able to find a USA revenue stamp with a clearly legible Bangkok Siam cancellation.
For sale on eBay, ADT receipt.

This is a so-called ADT, Airport Departure Tax receipt, value 100 Baht. It was listed in eBay for $15 but did not sell.
It was issued by the Koh Samui airport.
Koh Samui is an island in the gulf of Siam, it's a popular tourist destination.
ADT's are a popular revenue collecting area. Some countries issued stamps for this purpose, other countries like Thailand.
have issued receipts similar like the Koh Samui ADT picture.
In the past when airlines still issued paper tickets, these ADT stamps or receipts were glued or stapled to the cover of the airline tickets. Intact covers with the ADT attached makes for colorful and interesting collector items.
Below are 2 more ADT receipts which sold on eBay in November 2023 for $15.00 each.

Sold on eBay.

Sold on eBay for $78.88 in October 2023.
This is the most common value, 8 cents of the rare series of Thailand issued occupation revenues for the state of Kelantan in Northern Malaya. The stamps were issued in 1944 and show the portrait of the sultan of Kelantan at that time.
In October 1943, Thailand took over from the Japanese, the administration of the 4 northern most states in Japanese occupied Malaya. These states were Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah and Perlis.
These states were ceded back to British Malaya in September 1945.
The total set is 10 values between 8 cents (the stamp shown) and 50 dollars. These stamps are very seldom offered for sale. The 8 cents sold a year ago for $35 and now doubled in value.
Cinderellas sold on eBay.

Sold on eBay in September 2023 for $12.50.
The sheetlet of 10 shows the portrait of King Rama 9, the previous king of Thailand. It was issued on December 5, 2527 (1984) to celebrate the king‘s
Rama 9 birthday. No value of the stamps is indicated. these stamps are listed in my Thailand Revenue Catalog, Chapter 14.
Revenue stamps, Non Alcoholic Beverages.

Starting early year 2022, this small circular, self-adhesive revenue stamp was applied to bottles of non alcoholic beverages. These stamps do not have a QR code but have printed the seal of the Revenue Department. Not all non-alcoholic beverages carry this stamp. The law for applying stamps on those products was never clear to me. Also, sometimes products have a stamp and later on the same product does not have stamps anymore. Stamps with a blue outer border seem to be domestic produced or bottled products while stamps with a red outer border are imported drinks.

Tobacco Tax, Cigars.

Top left, cigar tax revenue after year 2020
Bottom left, typical cigar tax stamp design before year 2020.
In order to learn about the current tobacco revenue stamps used on cigars, I did visit the cigar lounge of the largest importer in Thailand, The Cigar Emperor.
Due to restrictions in Thailand on advertisement for tobacco products, these products are no longer displayed in stores but “hidden” in closed cabinets. A cigar lounge is one of the few places the products can be seen, and the revenue stamps can be studied. I was a little disappointed to learn that cigars do not longer have their own design of revenue stamps.
Imported cigars, since early year 2020, have the same design revenue stamps as imported cigarettes, a pink color small size stamp of 4.3 X 2.0 cm.
Although all the stamps look the same, the QR codes are different for each brand of the cigars. When importing cigars, the importer has to request the proper quantity of stamps from the Excise Department and pay the proper taxes. Importing many different brands also means many different QR codes, so different stamps. The name specified in the QR code has to match with the name of the actual product. After the importer has fixed the stamps to the correct products, the cigars can be sold to the public. Because many times cigars are sold individually, each of those cigars will receive its own revenue stamp.
On the pink revenue stamp above, the QR code reads; Umnum Jumbo, Foreign Tobacco Cigar, hard pouch, date 12/07/2566 (or July 12, 2023).
Thanks to the staff of the Cigar Emperor for the explanations given to me.
Peter Collins, Revenue Stamps of Thailand 1987 Catalog.

Shown is the front cover from Peter Collins
1979 Thailand Revenue stamps catalog. This was the first published listing of stamps, after the Forbin listing of 1914.
(The Forbin listing will be shown in my December 2023 blog).
The 20-page booklet was published by the Thailand Philatelic Society, of which Peter Collins was the editor at that time.
Writing this booklet must have been a difficult task with so little information available at the time of writing. There is also a small section on Tobacco stamps and Beverage stamps. It is an interesting reading. The complete booklet can be found in the chapter Catalogs in this blog.
It can also be found by clicking here.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps, The French Occupation of Chantaburi: Agriculture Tax.

Short article written by Jos Sanders and published in the Thai Times philatelic magazine, August 2020.
A possible explanation is given why the yellow agriculture revenue 1 Fuang stamp shown on the left has a postal
cancellation. To read the 2-page article, click here.
Collector Dave Elsmore.

Living in Australia, Dave Elsmore is a well-known collector of Australian revenue stamps. He is also an exhibitor and publisher on those stamps. Excellent information on the Australian Revenues can be found in his website
Dave already accumulated Thailand revenue stamps for quite some time, but recently he started to organize his Thai revenues. His first effort is a 1 frame exhibit, on WWII era Thai Relief Documentary stamps. He did not yet exhibit this frame, but it can already be seen here
Thailand Telegraph Revenues.

Unique stamp essays for sale in the upcoming Eurseree auction, Sale 65, lot 5A. Listed with a starting bid of baht 800,000 or about $22,200.
These are essays, printed by Giesecke DeVrient in Germany for Thailand Telegraph stamps, which were never actually issued. Some part of the design shows similar features as long green Court Fees, also printed by Giesecke DeVrient. Value on the essay is 2 Atts, indicatIng they are printed before 1908 when the currency changed to Satang.

A few years ago, Rory Morrisey found in the archives of Giesecke DeVrient a proposal for Siam Telegraph stamps but there was no other information and no contract that could be found. The proposal was dated April 21, 1906, and was for 70 million Telegraph stamps with values from 1 Att to 50 Ticals in 19 different values. No price was given but it must have been a huge possible contract.

The auction will be held on December 2nd & 3rd, 2023 and can be found on
Thailand revenue stamp sales on this website.

Thailand revenue stamps for sale on this website.
I started selling for a fixed price lots of Thailand revenue stamps. There are 15 identical lots available, and the picture shows a stock picture of the lot. These are revenues of all time periods and all stamps are different, there is no duplication. All 15 lots are of a similar quality level. Posted now is lot A for sale at $10. For details how to buy, see the middle of the home page of this website. Frequently, I will post new lots. These new lots will be all different stamps from the previous lots sold, so if you buy each lot, you will not have any duplication.
Registering on my website.

In order to grow my website, please register in the middle of the home page.
You will receive about once per month an email alert when new content is posted. Your personal information will not be shared with anybody and will only be used by the website
If you receive an email update, you can opt out by returning that email with the word, unsubscribe, and I will remove you from the alert list.
Special services.
* I am always looking to buy Thailand revenue stamps.
* I can help you with identifying your Thailand revenues and point you to the proper page in the catalog. * I can trade Thai revenue stamps with you if you let me know what you have and what you are looking for.
For all 3 items above, please fill in the Questions Form on the bottom of the home page, and I will respond back to your email.
Below is the part of the blog posted on October 22, 2023.
Latest acquired stamps.

Agriculture stamps sold on eBay in October 2023 for USD$ 455.
The top left stamp is a rare imperforate (proof?) of the red-lilac half Tamlung.
The 2 bottom right and middle stamps are the Tamlung, blue violet and the Tamlung rose. Tamlung values are rare and will cost around $125 each. I estimate that of the Tamlung values, less than 10 copies each of both colors exist.
Recently sold Thailand revenues on eBay.

Sold on September 22, 2023, on eBay for USD$10.
The left stamp is an agriculture stamp Salung color carmine perforation 11.5
The right-hand stamp is the long green court fee of 1 Baht. Of the about 220 different agriculture revenue stamps existing, the current prices (2023) are ranging between $8 - $150.
The majority is selling between $8 - $20.

Revenue stamps with QR code, issued after year 2020.

Cigarette revenues issued, starting year 2022. On the left is the logo of the excise department. In the middle is the QR code
with the date of issue and the brand. Issued in 2 colors, pink for import and light blue for domestically produced cigarettes.

The wrapper of the cigarette pack looks kind of ugly. All cigarette packs sold must have graphic health warnings in order to try to discourage smoking. These warnings cover 85% of the package. The selling companies cannot put on their logo and the brand name has to be in small letter font.
Cinderella stamps.

Cinderella stamps, sold by Futurepark on eBay in September 2023 for $13.50
Thailand, Phra Maha Dhat Stamps of 100 Baht. Rare Gutter Pair. Unused.
Issued in February 1991, to raise money for the renovation of Phra Maha Dhat in Nakhon Sri Thammarat in south-west Thailand.
Issued in 5 values, different colors, of 1, 5, 10, 50 and 100 Baht.
Cinderella stamps are NOT to be confused with revenue stamps. They are not issued by government or government related entities. They are issued for fundraising purposes or to celebrate events. These Cinderella stamps however give an interesting window in events and social activities in a country. Thailand has quite a lot of them issued. Many of them but not all are listed in the Thailand Revenue Catalog under Cinderella chapter 14. See on the top left of the home page in this website. Collecting of this kind of stamps/ labels is becoming more and more popular.
Alcoholic beverage stamps with Specimen or Sample handstamp.

The red color handstamp on the right reads sample or specimen. This is put on by the Thailand Excise department.
Starting around 1955, these stamps were mailed as a reference sample to each of the main Revenue offices in the 70+ provinces of Thailand. Only few of these stamps survived. I have about 50 different of them in my collection. Many of them I believe are unique.

Few used alcoholic beverage stamps survived. The law was that these stamps had to be glued to the cap of the bottle in such a way that they would be destroyed upon opening of the bottle. The album page on the left shows how many of the used beverage stamps look like. Many of the values do not exist anymore. Collectors did not collect these "ugly" stamps, even nowadays these stamps are still not popular to collect.
Luckily that some of the hand-stamped samples still exist.
Other stamps still existing are stamps from the printer's archives. These will be shown in a future blog post.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps, Thailand Agriculture Revenues, Part 4, The Third Issue, Sugar Tax 1908.

This is part 4 of the 6 articles, I have written on the Thailand agriculture revenue stamps. Thailand Agriculture revenue stamps are some of the more popular stamps to collect of all the Thai revenue stamps.
To see the full article, click here.
Collector Pipat Chovoravech MD.
Pipat Choovoravech is a collector living in Bangkok Thailand.
He collected Thailand stamps including revenues.
His Gold award winning Thailand revenue collection was sold in 2007 by Eurseree Auctions.
To read more about Pipat Choovoravech, please click here.
Pipat Chovoravech's 5 frame (80 pages) exhibition collection around year 2000.

This exhibit contains following chapters:
Pre-stamp era documents
Agriculture tax
General revenues
Court fees long green
Court fees Erawan
To see this exhibit, click here.
More of his exhibition pages can be seen in Eurseree auction 13,
Below is the part of the blog posted on September 20, 2023.
Latest acquired stamps.

The stamp block shown on the left is a so-called beast of burden stamp, nomination 25 satang, issued around 1967. The color red indicates it was used for paying the tax for branding the animal.
This is a very rare stamp with only 15 copies known to exist (in November 2023).
In my 30+ years of collecting, I was never able to acquire this stamp till now. The value is about $75 per stamp.
The beast of burden stamp was used for all the animals domesticated for working on the farms or to carry loads or people. In Thailand this includes elephants, horses, buffalos and cows.
More information on the beast of burden stamps can be found in the Thailand Revenue catalog, chapter 10. This catalog is posted on this website see top of the home page on the left-hand side.
Revenue stamps with QR code, issued after year 2020.

The above stamps are so called general revenues of the value 1 (blue), 5 (green) and 20 (red) baht. Printed by the Bank of Thailand, Note Printing Works, the printing is of excellent quality. Issued in sheets of 100 with in the left top the same QR code as in the bottom middle of the stamps. When read with your smart phone, the QR code will show when the stamps were issued. The figure in the middle of the circle shows Phra UThean playing a 3-string vina instrument. This is the logo of the Thailand Revenue Department.
These stamps can be purchased at any revenue office and in some of the post offices.
The cost is baht 26 or about $ 0.75. These stamps could be your start of a Thai revenue collection! These stamps are not yet listed in the revenue catalog.
Cinderella stamps.

The stamp on the left is a so-called Cinderella stamp. Issue date unknow, but my guess is around 1970. The color is deep dark green.
Printed by Thomas De La Rue in the UK.
The stamp was part of the Thomas De La Rue archives.
It is used as a pharmaceutical seal, to seal packages of medicines from the Sernmitr company. This to try to prevent fake products coming into the market.
It is amazing that a local Thai company used Thomas De La Rue for printing these beautifully, designed stamps.
The Thai text below the stamp reads as follows: "The real product, both stamps and labels, have colorful patterns and sharp details The letters and patterns on the label are embossed and sharp throughout all parts of the sheet. When rubbing a finger on labels and stamps, a sharp and convex feeling is felt. Please bring the real product to compare first. In that way, you will not be deceived."
There are quite a lot of Cinderella stamps issued by various organizations and companies in Thailand. Collecting these can give an interesting picture of life and the social in Thailand.
Cinderella stamps are listed in the Thailand revenue catalog Part 14. However, the above pharmacy seal is not yet listed.
Collector Peter Iber.
Peter Iber's name is well known amongst long time Thailand revenue collectors.
He collected Thai revenue stamps starting in the 1980's, long before any good catalog of these stamps was available and the knowledge on these stamps was very limited. He is the author of several philatelic articles and in 1993, he published the first edition of his well-known booklet on Thailand revenue stamps.
To read more about Thailand revenue collector Peter Iber, please click here
Peter Iber, Revenue Stamps of Thailand 1997

This small booklet is the most well-known.
Thailand revenue catalog around. When it was published in 1993 and 1997 (second edition) it was the first time that a kind of organized listing was put together. Now some 30 years later, its quite outdated and not complete, but much of Peter's research is still relevant. By clicking here, you get access to his revenue catalog.
Peter Iber's 5 frame (80 pages) exhibit in the Bangkok 1997 International Stamp Exhibition.

Peter Iber started as one of the first to exhibit Thailand revenue stamps in 1993. This year was the first year that the FIP, Federation of International Philatelists, had created a separate class for exhibiting revenue stamps. This was a recognition for all the early pioneer collectors. Revenue stamps became finally a serious philatelic subject.
His 1997 exhibit did win the gold medal.
Because the file was so big, I split the file in 2 pieces. Part 1 can be seen here, and part 2 can be seen here Enjoy the viewing!
Peter Iber's philatelic articles.
I used several of Peter's philatelic articles to write my 6-part series on Agriculture revenues.
In part 3, mentioned below this post, I referenced his articles, and they can also be found in this blog in the tab References on top of this page.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps, Thailand Agriculture Revenues, Part 3, the second issue, printed by Giesecke Devrient.

The second series was issued in 1896 and only used for 1 year. After 1896, stamps were no longer used, and the paying of taxes was shown by using hand stamps on the documents.
Most of these stamps are not rare in either mint or used form. But stamps on documents are very rare.
This article on the second issue agriculture revenues 1896 can be found by clicking here
Below is the part of the blog posted on August 20, 2023.
Latest acquired stamp.

Playing card revenue.
Purchased in August 2023 at a 7-Eleven shop for Baht 180 or USD $5.25.
On the left the 2 Thai letters read: Playing Cards. on the right the Thai word reads: Excise Department.
The year of issue of the stamp is not known. Playing card revenues are amongst the rarest revenues of Thailand.
I like to collect, if possible, the revenue showing part of its original packaging.
This gives some context to the use of the stamp plus some additional information. like whom made the playing cards.
It makes the collection less boring and many years from now, it's kind of nice to see " old" fashioned package designs.
More of the information on Playing cards can be found in Chapter 6 of the 2023 Thailand revenue catalog.
Revenue stamps with QR code, issued after year 2020.

Above is an alcoholic beverage stamp with QR code on the left and on the right the alcoholic strength 35 degrees and a volume of more than 0,350 liters. The QR code will show some interesting details when read with a smartphone. Details like the manufacturer, kind of drink, year and date of issuing the stamp. The QR code is unique by supplier and kind of drink.
There is also a serial number in the middle left.
Since the introduction of this stamp there are about a total of 40 variations. There is 1 perforated pink color stamp, and 3 colors imperforate, blue, green and pink.
Different alcoholic strengths of 15, 28, 30, 35, 38 and 40 degrees and volumes in each degree of below 0.350 liters and above 0.350 liters.
These stamps will be written up in an article as soon as I have enough information.
The stamps can be soaked off the bottles most of the time using alcohol. In rare cases it is impossible to soak the stamp off. The stamp above is wrinkled but after soaking in alcohol, it can be straightened out.
Mystery Cinderella stamps.

Purchased on eBay in August 2023 for about $2.00. Unknown stamps. Written in Thai is "registration or authentication. Upon receiving those Cinderellas, I did find that these are not perforated stamps but photo pictures of stamps, with some die cut in the horizontal spaces between the stamps. The stamps are self-adhesive. Any reader has ever seen them before? A lot of information on Thailand Cinderella stamps can be found in the Thailand Revenue Catalog, edition 2023, chapter 14.
Revenue stamp catalog J. Barefoot.

As references, I will be listing over the next few months all available catalogs beside my own. Listed under the tap in the blog called catalog or click here.
The John Barefoot Thailand revenue catalog is part of the South-East Asia Revenues main catalog.
Because it is much less extensive compared to my own catalog, it will be much easier to use for beginning collectors.
Collector Bonnie Davis

I will try frequently to post on collectors who collected Thailand revenue stamps.
Bonnie Davis was an American citizen who was a longtime resident in Bangkok.
Bonnie was one of the early revenue collectors forming her collection mainly in the 1980's and 1990's.
If any of the readers of this blog has more information on Bonnie, including maybe a picture of her, please contact me so I can update her profile. To read more on this famous collector, see in blog the tap collector or click here.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps, Thailand Agriculture Revenues, Part 2

This is the second part of a series of articles I have written on agriculture stamps: Thailand Agriculture Revenues First Issue 1881-1896, Part 2.
This is a very long article trying to explain the intricate details of this series.
Lots of the information in the article is new and cannot be found in the existing philatelic literature. This article can be found in the blog under "article" or click here.
Thailand Revenue Catalog 2023.

On the home page, the first item to the top left is a posting of the Thailand revenue catalog edition 2023 by Jos Sanders. This catalog is posted and is free accessible. This to promote the hobby of collecting Thailand revenue stamps.
The various posted chapters are still the 2019 edition by Blakeney and Sanders. Updated 2023 chapters will be announced in this blog and will replace the 2019 chapters. For the convenience of the collectors, a change log will be published to show what the changes are in the 2023 version versus the 2019 version.
Below is part of the blog posted early August 2023.
Latest acquired stamp.

This is a stamp found in a tax fee shop at Bangkok airport. It is issued by the Thailand Excise Department, and it indicates that the duty or tax is Not Paid. It comes from a bottle of whiskey, but all bottles independent of the kind of alcohol have the same stamp.
Reading the QR code shows that the stamp comes from the year 2020, however the first time I did see this stamp was in August 2023. The QR code is very generic, it does not show any brand name, volume or alcoholic strength.
The stamp is self-adhesive and is difficult to get off the bottle. After that, it is still very sticky and is put inside a stamp mount.
Since 2020, all the newly issued Thai revenue stamps have a QR code. At a later time, I will show a summary of all different stamps issued with a QR code.
My own Collection

In the top middle of the home page is the posting for my own collection. The first posting is my collection of agriculture stamps. At later times, the various other parts of my collection will appear.
In general, many pages have information which does not appear in the catalog and also the information is more updated than the 2019 version of the Thailand revenue catalog. In general, the information shown is the best available knowledge. If you have more updated information or a different opinion, I will be glad to hear from you.
My collection is still growing and when I acquire new stamps, I will add them to the pages with some handwritten notes. Once in a while when the pages look too sloppy, I will create and print new pages.
Articles on Thailand revenue stamps.
The King’s Monogram essays 1875, Part 1
By Jos Sanders.

I have written multiple articles on Thailand revenue stamps. Some are published in philatelic journals; others are specially written for this blog.
On agriculture stamps, I have written some 6 articles, the first, on The King's Monogram Essays is published in this blog. The other articles will follow in due time. On the bottom of each article, I will mention the references used to help me to write those articles. I will try to post these full references for your further study. The king's Monogram Essays article can be found here.
Other website related items.
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Thank you very much!