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Peter Collins collection?

I know little about Thailand revenue stamps collected by Peter Collins. I did find an auction catalog of his postage stamps, but for his revenue stamps, I was not yet able to find an auction catalog. If any of the readers knows of such a catalog, please let me know.

I have some scans of 2 collections which are claimed to be part of Peter Collins collection, I assume that this claim is correct.

An Agriculture tax stamp collection. Mounted following the Forbin catalog number. Beside each mounted stamp a note indicates how many similar stamps Peter did own. A very impressive collection. Of note is that Forbin as well as Peter does not mention at all the different overprints like RS112, RS 113, RS 114. These overprints were not considered as unique stamps but wrongly considered as cancellations. Currently part of a private collection.

Another possible part of Peter Collins collection is an accumulation of stamps. sold by Vichit Eurtivong, (brother of Vitoon), around the year 2000.

This accumulation has some beautiful items. Many of these items can be found back in the exhibition collection of Nararat Limnararat.

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